Monday, January 25, 2010

Tom Fletcher replied me

Haha,dh hbis pikir dh nk update ape kt blog aku ni,xdpt jgak..finally,i got some idea which it's a silly thing,haha..but if you guys do have a twitter,you'll know the feeling..and yeah,Tom replied me!sounds gay ait..i told you,go sign up the twitter and follow him. try to ask or reply his status,and see what happen. if you got replied from Yuna, Aizat or whatever you called it,it's not a big deal. guy like Tom is a real deal..

Monday, November 30, 2009

See You Around

THIS IS IT!! Our very first tryout..With all 13 amature photographer,included who used handphone and digital camera..The idea is easy,pose or jump at the middle of circle with all the photographer wait to snap,konon2 nk wat 'matrix effect' lh,hohoho..thanx to Syimie and everybody..

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Bukit Tinggi,West Sumatera Trip (Site Analysis)

Well, as an architecture student, we're always go out for some trip..(ingt nk typing in english je,tp nnti korg cari kamus xpham,so ak taip melayu lh eh)lect kata penting untuk bwat design,bla bla bla n blaaaaa..kitorang hnya mengikut ape yang dirancangkan sambil dlm hati membantah kerana mslah duit,malas,men game lagi bgus,hahaha..dari part1 smpai skunk ktorg dh besa g trip2,tp dalam Malaysia jelah..then time part5 nie,ktorang dikejutkan dgn berite yg amat mengujakan(untuk 2,3 org je dlm kelas) dan yang lain sume xske,haha,yeah..berite itu adalah membuat site analysis di Bukit Tinggi, West Sumatera for Urban Design(what the a**),kalo nk bwat urban design,elok g Singapore ke, dalam K.L pun boleh..argg(seperti yang diketahui oleh Syimie,ak mmg kurang rajin meng'update' n meng'edit' blog ini) ak fowardkn terus ke moral value yg boleh dapat dlm cter nie,walaupun hanya 15% je ak cter..pegi seminggu,tp mase kaji site hanya 5 jam,man!membazir je,walaupun dalam hati suke,haha..(kejadian ni berlaku bper bulan yg lepas,haha,ak memang lambat update,ini setelah dipaksa Syimie)

Thursday, July 23, 2009


im so bitter, thats all...=(

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Brings Back Memory

Bangun at morning, brushed my teeth and turn on my lovely dekstop..Dunno what 2 do, then something came up to my head.'tgk Mamma Mia lh', its funny when watched a musical movie at the morning..Dah habis,teringat lak Cd yang mama beli baper tahun lepas,itulah 'The Best of ABBA'..Tapi mane pergi dah Cd tu, aku xtau..Wah,rindu dengan sume lagu ABBA..My mom told me,that she catches ABBA song since her school days something,lama tuh..First aku dengar lagu ABBA nie mase nak balik kampung, time tu standard 2 lagi, zaman2 kaset lagi, and hell yeah, i loveeee their song..Me and my brother,Syahir always sang the song from Mamma Mia,haha, kelakar gler time kecik2 dulu, comel lagi time tu..Sudah dengan kenangan lama, I'm searching all ABBA song, then i got what I want.. Dancing Queen, Mamma Mia,S.O.S, Honey Honey, Take A Chance On Me, Lay All Your Love On Me, Chiquitita, Gimme Gimme Gimme, The Winner Takes It All and etc..Wah,that was awsome..Aku download semua sekali, so satisfied..Spectacular morning..Aku menyanyi sambil menangis,haha..Its really brings back my memory..

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


rutin harian ak pade setiap petang bersame 'mates' ak.
tepat je pkul 5.30 pm kumpul depan 7-eleven.


-bwat havoc dlu

-beli air jambu batu kt depan 7e
-curi chocolate kt 7e satu kewajipan(energy kte coach)
-timbang2 bola ala freestyler(warm up beb).
pkul 6.00pm je terus ke padang tar terkedek2.

team mmg dh ade kekal x kekal je dak2 nie.
ktorang x main gawang,pondan je main gawang(sbnrnye sume xnk jadi keeper).

ktorang main kon beb,bende kecik tulh yg tiap2 petang ktorang target.

die punya susah macam
ko mcam ko msukkan ibu jari kaki dalam telinga korang.kiwak.
skali kena je,pergh die punya happy mcm menang manchester time semi final ngan arsenal dulu..haha
team lwan kena togel..best2
besa menang 1-1,1-0,2-1..xlari..susah weyh!